Sunday, August 23, 2009

Good Food Search: Riceworks Chips

I am a southern girl and I LOVE food! For me, following a healthy diet has been the hardest part of changing the way I live. Working out has been a breeze in comparison with letting go of some of my favorite foods. Because of my love affair with great foods, I am always on the lookout for healthy options that actually taste good. To me, if you hate the way something tastes then why force yourself to eat it just because it's supposed to be good for you? This is what ALWAYS leads me to stray from eating healthy. I get so fed up with eating twigs and cardboard that I end up binging on Doritos and sour cream just to get some flavor. So, I am on a mission to find healthy options that I really and truly like. As I find them, I'll share with you.

Today's spotlighted item is Riceworks Chips! These things are GOOD ya'll! When I read the nutrition facts, it was hard to believe what I saw. First of all, they are made with brown rice. So there's no bleached crap. The most surprising thing to me was the fairly low sodium content. Read here Riceworks to find out all about them. I normally cannot stand chip substitutes; they usually taste like flavored sand. But these are delicious! Seriously, try them out!

Friday, August 21, 2009

If You Think You Have Time to Wait

We have all been guilty of putting our health on the back burner. There are a million creative excuses we make for why it’s acceptable to wait; “I’ll quit smoking next week because I have too much going on at work this week”, “I’ll start my diet next month because my kids will go back to school then”, “I’m only 25 years old, I have plenty of time to quit smoking”, “I just started a new job, my kids, my car, my house, I’m too stressed out right now and I will do it later”, “I have to start my regimen in October because that’s when Pluto aligns with Jupiter and all will be right with my life”. These excuses are nothing more than an attept to justify no sense of urgency to start NOW.

This weekend, one of my employees ended up in the hospital. He had a heart attack. The doctors discovered that he had a 40% blockage in one of his arteries, so he had to undergo an angioplasty. It’s no surprise that he also had extremely high cholesterol and discovered that he has developed Type 2 diabetes. They had to keep him an extra day to regulate his sugar before he was discharged. How old does this person sound to you? 55, 59, 65? Guess again. His lifestyle is sedentary, he smokes and what do I see at his desk every day for lunch? You guessed it, fast food and for breakfast he eats cinnamon rolls from the gas station almost daily. Why not? He’s only 37 years old and he has plenty of time to change his diet and quit smoking later.

This reminded me of something that happened to me about 4 years ago. I smoked and partied all the time. I kept telling myself that I had time to take things more seriously, get healthy and quit smoking. Well that lifestyle and that mindset landed my ass right in the hospital with a Pneumomediastinum (aka, a collapsed lung). The damage I was doing to my body in my 20s took a dreadful toll at only 31 years old. Needless to say, I quit smoking immediately, joined the gym, dropped over 40 lbs and started leading a healthier lifestyle. I have become much more serious about fitness in the last year with P90X and now Insanity. I still know how to have fun every once in a while but things are much different now and I feel stronger and better than I have in years!

If you think you have time to put your health off one minute longer, you don’t! If you think it won’t happen to you, you’re wrong! The damage can happen to your body a lot more quickly than you realize.

The time is NOW and the excuses are crap. If you want to get healthy and change your life visit me HERE